Designed for businesses who are just starting out or those planning a pivot.

This brand exploration focuses on building the foundations of your brand; getting clarity on the why and how that will translate clearly into a visual language, tone of voice and storytelling across your marketing.

A strong foundation will make every marketing decision easier.

to start…

A custom questionnaire will be completed by everyone involved in the decision making to understand the aspirations for the brand.

I may also supply additional worksheets to help decision makers align on the why for the business

an audit…

A complete and thorough audit of all the work you have completed or is in progress for the new branding.

This completes the research phase and draws a line under where you’re at right now

a report…

You’ll receive a full report to collate this info.

With guidance, next steps and visual mood boards - whichever is most relevant and useful to your goals


We'll meet for a power hour where I’ll answer your questions and help you to get clear on the schedule for next steps to keep the momentum flowing.

Over the following 2 months you can book in 2 x 30 minute check ins to help you to stay on track.

Why do you need this?

Because a brand is so much more than a logo. Getting clear on your message and aspirations in one swoop at this stage will help you get more bang for your buck in everything from how you can brief designers, your marketing messaging, your content calendar, setting your KPIs and planning your events.

It’s not a magic pill to solve all of your problems. But it sure will save you a lot of headaches down the line.

Branding Deep Dive Early Bird: £625

Get in touch to find out more and get your brand on track from the beginning!